Texas Scholars


Graduating students who would like to be considered for the Texas Scholars award will need to meet the following requirements:
★ Be on track to graduate from high school having completed requirements for the Foundation High School Program with Endorsements.
★ Complete at least 2 courses (4 semesters) of college credit.***
★ Take either ACT or SAT before the end of the first semester of senior year or ASVAB for students who plan to enter military after graduation.
★ Receive no six weeks or semester grade below a 70 during senior year.

All students are responsible for keeping up with their own required information and uploading a copy to a Google form that will be on the school’s website. This information will be due no later than one week after the end of the 5th six weeks.

*** Courses Eligible to be considered for college credit will include the following:
● Dual Credit
● Advanced Placement
● Concurrent Enrollment

Any student who believes there are extenuating circumstances which affected his or her grades can request a review. The procedure for requesting this review are as follows:
1. Contact assistant principal or counselor with proof of extenuating circumstances to be reviewed.

2. Students must make initial contact to begin review one week of having received a report card indicating a grade below 70 or situation in which student feels affected their circumstance.

Fill out this form with your qualifications